Game Design 101: The Thrill Of Learning

It’s that time of the year. The searing heat of Summer simmers down as the tranquil solemnity of Fall, well… falls upon us. Soon, if not already, students everywhere will once more fill the halls of education centers. A perfect time to discuss education, and the...

Game Design 101: The Appeal To Emotion

A successful game designer once told me, “Making games is like making soup. Everyone will make soup in their own way, but at the end of the day soup still has a recipe.” Having a structure for your design and ideas will give form to your creation and help your...

Game Design 101: The Power Of Player Choice

Choices are common in life, as in video games. The power of choice in life is what truly defines each of us as individuals, with the choices that we make reflecting our own selves. Then why is it that games often neglect this facet of choice? Choice in video games is...

Indie Game Development: Is DLC Even Worth It?

In this day and age, when a game is finished, that doesn’t have to spell the end. Games now have the opportunity to blossom into bigger and better things. Whether it be Early Access, continuous updates, patches, or expansion packs, there are more opportunities than...