What's Black Shell Media all about, anyway?

I started Black Shell Media alongside my co-founder Raghav with two goals in mind: To make life easier for independent game developers across the globe, and to share our game marketing knowledge with others. Many game developers want to pursue game development as a...

Game Design 101: Using Randomness Effectively

One would not be mistaken if they are to say that the trend of procedurally generated content is more prevalent than it has ever been. Incredibly successful and fun games such as Minecraft, Risk of Rain, Nuclear Throne, and the newly released Dungeon Souls (pictured...

Why Game Development And Friends Don't Mix

Many times being a game developer will require you to spend a lot of time on your projects, so wouldn’t it be amazing to have someone that would help you with these projects? Yes it would be, and that’s where friends come into play, as they can be the ones to rely on...

7 Tips For Marketing Your Mobile Game

It’s hard for indie games to establish relevance in the mobile game scene. There are millions of games floating around, and you risk being buried under them all. Because of this, marketing your game is more important than ever, as it ensures that people will actually...

How To Assemble The Perfect Game Development Team

Developing a great game can be quite a challenge nowadays, because there are many things you have to take into account. One of these things is your team. Let’s be real, there’s really no such thing as the perfect game development team. However, your goal...