9 Kick-Ass Women in Game Dev

The tale is as old as the gaming industry itself, and is completely overplayed: the lack of respectable female roles in games. No, not the character kind – the developer kind. Because, honestly, there’s way more men in development than there are women. And when a...

Are Distributors the New Publishers?

There is always something going on in the video game industry, and constant change is one of them. As such, the roles of journalists, developers, and players have all been altered in one way or another and will continue to change. But the roles that have changed the...

Fraud in the Gaming Industry

Fraud is everywhere, from retail stores to digital marketplaces. Shoplifters alone account for 27 million (1 in 11) crimes in the United States. Large and small retailers deal with it, and so do you as a game developer. Because, frankly, it goes far beyond your...