E3 2016 Highlights

E3 2016 Highlights

E3 has been good to developers and gamers this year, hasn’t it? We saw new technology, new games, cross-play, tournaments, and a woman who just could not contain her love of Elder Scrolls. But not everything was particularly amazing. There were many instances...
How to Publish Bad Writing

How to Publish Bad Writing

This one simple trick will make it a snap to publish bad writing! Editors hate it (though without it they’d be out of a job)! Click now to find out how you, too, can crap rainbow alphabet soup in exchange for cold, hard cash! I’m of course lying, but there really is...

PSA: Indie Games Are Not Cucumbers

The product is so good, it’ll sell itself. That’s “organic growth.” Reality check: Your product––be it a game, an app or a book––is not a human with strategic thinking capabilities and data by their side. Your product is not backed by years of...