Amp Up Your Game Design: Progression Mechanics

I find that one of my favorite things about video games is the fact that they make me feel as if I’ve progressed towards some goal. A sense of accomplishment and progression is rather important in all mediums, but it has a special place in video games, why is that?...

Amp Up Your Game Design: Designing For Handhelds

The standard platforms for game design are either PCs or home consoles, both of which normally exist within private, stable, and controlled conditions. Thus, given the design of home games, the environment in which they’re played is not given much thought. Portable...

Do Video Games Steal Mechanics From Sports?

There’s no denying that sports have had an important influence on video games. And not just in the form of sports games. Putting aside personal views and observing the correlation of sports and video games can provide us a unique insight on game design. In what ways...
Amp Up Your Game Design: Even More Camera Theory

Amp Up Your Game Design: Even More Camera Theory

The camera remains one of the most integral parts of game infrastructure. We all know how bad camera controls can interfere with the enjoyment of even the most entertaining game. But one of the most important aspects of the camera is one that we hardly think about:...
When Game Design Goes Horribly Wrong: JRPGs

When Game Design Goes Horribly Wrong: JRPGs

No game is perfect, there’s always something to pick apart. JRPGs are my guilty pleasure. I love the long convoluted stories, repetitive battles and crazy characters. They have their share of faults and eccentricities of design, but I’m of the sort to generally...