by Rocky Kev | Oct 16, 2017 | Blog, Business
Ugh, a post about motivation. I know what you’re thinking. Probably a bunch of fluffy tips on “thinking positive” or “never giving up.” I think that’s hogwash. Ask any professional successful developer, and they’ll tell you their secret...
by Rocky Kev | Mar 10, 2017 | Blog, Business, Game Development
There’s something beautiful about being a indie developer. Freedom. Creativity. Flexibility. The feeling of not having a boss micromanage everything you do the moment you step into work. It’s a fantastic feeling. Just a few quick questions: Did you trademark...
by Rocky Kev | Feb 17, 2017 | Blog, Business, Marketing
The best salespeople are well versed in the art of buyer psychology. With some tried-and-true tactics, they can convince you to buy a new car when you only wanted an oil change—and that’s necessarily a good thing! Scott Adams, serial entrepreneur and the creator...
by Rocky Kev | Feb 11, 2017 | Blog, Business, Marketing
You’re at an event and that question pops up. You know, the standard, “What do you do?” question at every party. If your reply is: “I work in the technology space developing software for entertainment purposes using the latest technology.” Congratulations! You just...
by Rocky Kev | Jan 26, 2017 | Blog, Business, Marketing
Launch a project, get millions of sales, receive wildly high reviews, and insane revenue to keep your studio running for the rest of your life. That’s the dream. But reality looks different. It’s not the runaway success you wanted. When people ask about...