Is Porting to Console Worth It?

Thinking of porting to console, but not sure if it’s worth it? Welcome to the club! This is something that every developer, indie or AAA, has to deal with at some point. There are projects where the platform just makes sense, such as mobile games that are...

What’s Up with Nintendo Switch?

Nintendo Switch has been all over gaming news as of late, but with so much going on, it’s time for a quick rundown. After all, this is something created by one of the most loved companies in the world, and yet, it’s also one of the most complicated,...

Reading Facts: Are 52% of Players Now Female?

What do Kratos, Duke Nukem, and the entire cast of Gears of War have in common? Over-the-top masculine themes, for starters. They absolutely love killing things, moving around weirdly (they must be getting stuck on their huge muscles), and making things go boom. But...