The Top 5 Movies About Game Development

If you’re new to the industry, or you’re debating whether or not to go into game development, there are a few movies you should probably watch. Now, it’s easy to ask, “Are there even . . . more than 2-3 movies about game development...

10 Personal Finance Tips for Entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur means a careful balancing act of many things. Marketing and advertising, product manufacturing (actual game development), and even personal finance just for starters. The thing is, everything must be carefully kept up when you’re an...

Crossroads: Is It Time You Switch Career Paths?

Game development can be a difficult road filled with demotivation and self-doubt, so on the BSM blog, we try to stick to positivity, good messaging, and overall hope. How to be a better designer, how to overcome obstacles, how to better manage your time and handle...