by Alex Cicala | May 6, 2017 | Blog, Game Design, Game Development
Throughout the evolution of video games there have been major milestones with the development of game mechanics. As video game development progressed, developers would emulate, tweak and refine mechanics other developers used. This is nothing to frown at as some might...
by Alex Cicala | Apr 28, 2017 | Blog, Game Design
Nuclear Throne is a top-down roguelike shooter that does many things right for the genre. It is an extremely challenging game that sports a depth that may surprise some. I like to normally compare Nuclear Throne to another game, Spelunky. I feel it is very similar in...
by Alex Cicala | Apr 26, 2017 | Blog, Game Development
Keeping up constant motivation when developing games as an indie developer can be one of the hardest tasks you come across. There are endless reasons behind this and you may have to tackle many obstacles and challenges along the way. You could start out small but may...
by Alex Cicala | Apr 19, 2017 | Blog, Game Design
As a launch title for the Nintendo Switch, Zelda: Breath of the Wild has boosted the discussion of freedom of choice and exploration elements in video games. This becomes more apparent once you realize who Nintendo usually markets their products too, a very wide age...
by Alex Cicala | Apr 15, 2017 | Blog, Marketing
Mobile app analytics are a key part of what is needed to improve many aspects related to your games on the mobile platform. Analytics give you as a developer important information that can help you decide many things, like whether to fix issues for your app or if the...