Overwatch’s Sombra ARG and what to take away.

Using a perspective from within your game’s story is an incredibly ingenious way to interact with your audience, as well as have them participate in the lore of your game or simply follow and get hyped, keeping their attention on your product. The character of Sombra...

Networking at a Game Convention Part 2: Get in There!

This article is Part 2 a 3-part series on networking at a convention. Check out Part 1 to discover what to do before a convention to prep for networking success. Below, we’ll be discussing what to do networking-wise during an event. Let’s do a quick refresher of...

Fine-tuning The “Loot” Game Experience

Games that have loot mechanics and randomized content always interest me and always seem to represent how far game design has come. Titles that have these mechanics have being constructed in a way to have a constant climb in difficulty or challenge whilst always...